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Recent Articles

  • API functionality and methods
    The staging API allows the caller to Get list of available clients configured in the Aico system Get list of available companies configured in the Aico system Get list of document templates for a specific client. For each document template, it returns a list of which staging API header and r...
    See article
  • Using Excel to import documents
    Aico's staging service supports the ability to import documents through the API via Excel. The primary use for this functionality is to test the Client configuration (mappings etc.). The customer can upload their documents via Excel.  Info: Be aware that each single Excel upload is consider...
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  • Configure the staging client
    The client is where you configure the staging to use different Aico document templates, mappings (between the staging data fields and the Aico document headers and rows) as well as where to send the Aico documents in the workflow.  Once the client is configured, you can then send batches of data...
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  • Configure the Aico document template for staging
    When the staging process creates the Aico documents from the customer data sent through the staging API, you must define which Aico document template should be used. This is defined in the staging client (described below) however you must first configure the Aico document template to behave in t...
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  • Introducing The Staging API
    The Aico staging API is a technical interface that allows customers to import documents into Aico for processing. Customers can implement automated software to send data for financial documents into Aico. In Aico, existing or new document templates can be configured to receive this financial da...
    See article
  • Staging import process
    Staging batches The Staging API import process is built around the concept of staging batches each of which is linked to a single client. Each staging batch will contain one or more staging documents and each staging document can contain zero or more rows.    Batches can be viewed either from ...
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